MicroCorps Pathology Services, LLC
Personalized Service
... Every Time
Selected tissue collection or full necropsy available. Typically performed at your facility when possible, but shipping to our location can be accommodated. Pricing tailored to individual specifications.
At MicroCorps Pathology Services, we take care to provide our customers with high quality services personalized for their unique needs. Our pathologists offer expertise in research as well as diagnostic investigation.
Fixed tissues or prepared slides are received and analyzed according to your particular request. Our conscientious pathologists will utilize your previously developed scoring systems or will custom develop a system for you as appropriate.
Data Analysis/Interpretation and Model Development
Quantitative and/or qualitative data from your tissues are analyzed for significance within the model system and assembled into graphical format when applicable. A pathologist will review results with you in detail, and when desirable, will assist you in modifying the model or scoring system.